Hi there! I am an Upper Valley and Keene NH Photographer. As a photographer here in the Upper Valley in Keene, I felt it was time to make my client referral program more “official”. Here’s the deal. If you share my services with a friend and they book me, you get a free $100 session fee with me! And they will get a free 5×7 print from their session (not to be combined with the HS senior special, right now, but that could change). Thanks for spreading the word about what I have to offer folks with regard to preserving their family memories!

Firefly Photography - Upper Valley and Keene NH PhotographerFirefly Photography is happily booking portrait photography sessions in Keene, NH, Woodstock, VT, Hanover NH, Seacoast, and Upper Valley for dreamy maternity, and child, couples, senior, & family portrait photography.

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Dreamy imagery of your beautiful life. 

Firefly Photography is now booking appointments in New England (Keene, NH, Hanover, NH, Lebanon, NH, Woodstock, VT, the Upper Valley, and all over New England and beyond)  for couples, maternity, lifestyle, baby, child, family, & HS senior portrait photography