As a portrait photographer here in Lebanon, NH, I do enjoy creating digital mixed media works out of my portraits, using my own photographs of botanicals and moths and butterflies.
As a NH fine art photographer, I created this deeply personal body of work called Terminal, I am reflecting on my mother’s death in 2015 at the age of 63, 30 days after her pancreatic cancer diagnosis. At times, I am still unexpectedly gripped by some of these emotions. These digital multimedia portrait pieces explore my own bereavement. The process is not linear, and the Kubler-Ross model of the Five Stages of Grief does not have a prescribed beginning and end, so the images follow no particular order.
Being a photographer here in the Upper Valley, I always have my eyes peeled for cool locations. Sometimes they are in the unlikeliest places. I happened past the Marriott here in Lebanon, NH and saw these luscious azalea bushes out front. It was only May 1st and things were starting to bloom here in New Hampshire. So I was really excited when I saw these beauties. I asked the front desk if I could photograph there and I got some really magical images. I would love to take photos of you or your loved ones amongst some blooms. I have some costumes in my prop closet and would love to style something dreamy and magical.
Three years ago, a group of Buddhist monks visited my little town here in New Hampshire. My then-5-year-old visited them with me at the high school. They chanted beautifully. They worked all week long on an intricate sand painting that would be swept away at the end of the week. I stood there staring at…
[…] As a photographer here in Keene, NH, I was delighted to have my most recent “Do You Dream in Color” series included in the Art Walk downtown. For the images, click here: THE CHANGELING […]
[…] was there with my “Changeling” series of images that I shot this past […]
I was inspired to do a Red Riding Hood-styled photo shoot here in Keene, NH. She is vulnerable to the wolf in the popular story. She is more empowered and without fear in my adaptation. The wolf, as it turns out, is not to be feared. “Fate loves the fearless.” James Russell Lowell Many thanks to…
[…] As a portrait photographer in Keene, I was really happy to have this body of work from my “Into the Woods” series, selected for the Keene Art Walk. To see the collection, click here: INTO THE WOODS […]
For this “Do You Dream in Color?” concept, the focus is on the strength and beauty of solitude. The young woman I was photographing was about to journey to college for the first time. She seemed like the perfect fit for my idea; following a path alone to a new place, a new experience and…
My four-year-old and I are re-reading The Tales of Beatrix Potter right now. I love the idea of the wild woods filled with fantastical stories and animal characters. There are obedient characters, there are daring characters and there are scary moments. I have been inspired by these stories to create a woodland fantasy of my…
[…] Fox Hollow was on exhibit in 2014 […]
[…] All the images can be seen here: FOX HOLLOW […]
I specialize in maternity, newborn and child portrait photography in both Northern NJ and Southern NH. I like to do personal creative projects from time to time and they have manifested in my Do You Dream in Color? stylized shoots. Each shoot has a different message, but they are all in my dreamy, whimsical style….
I normally do maternity, newborn and child portrait photography in mostly in Northern NJ, and Keene, NH. Once each year, I like to step away and do something a bit different. Avalon is this year’s project. Last year, I did an Alice in Wonderland-themed shoot. I already have some ideas for 2013. But first, here…
[…] As a family and child portrait photographer here in Keene, NH and in the Upper Valley of VT and NH as firefly photography, I was really happy to be selected to be a part of the Keene Art Walk in downtown Keene, NH with images from my “Do You Dream in Color?” series, “Avalon”. For more imagery from AVALON, click HERE […]
One of the things I have noticed is that the business side of things was interfering with the creative side of things. Not that I claim to be the next Jackson Pollock, but working on the images from this concept shoot while the world goes on, has been very meditative. So I decided to do…
C’est Magnifique! Bravo!!! Dana you really outdid yourself! What a gorgeous creation brought to life. So happy for you. You nailed it!!!
Thank you!!!!
this is truely inspiring. I love it! and the kids are simply precious. Bravo!
awesome. awesome. awesome. amazing from the location to perspective to final finish and processing. fantastic job!
Thanks everyone! xo
[…] Photographer Posted in {do you dream in color} I am excited about my newest addition to the Do You Dream in Color? conceptual photo project I started last year. This year’s theme is revealed here on the blog! […]
[…] away and do something a bit different. Avalon is this year’s project. Last year, I did an Alice in Wonderland-themed shoot. I already have some ideas for 2013. But first, here is Avalon. It is a work of […]